29 Ιουνίου 2007

Θεολογικός διάλογος στη Βαλτική, υπό την αιγίδα του Εκόνομιστ

The hottest of these is energy. The Balts, dependent on Russia for their gas and subject to lengthy and frequent blockades of oil deliveries, want to build a new nuclear power station jointly with Poland. So far, a year’s haggling has produced little result. The argument is mainly a cultural one based perhaps on different religious traditions. Catholic Poland and Lithuania think texts are secondary to belief: they want firm emotional commitment to the project before focusing on the details. Protestant Estonia and Latvia want the details written down clearly before they can believe.
Facing a cold wind
Αλλά και στην Αμερική ο διάλογος έχει φουντώσει για τα καλά.

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